首页 > 资讯 > 错误编码 >ORA-54520: inner ring not on the same plane as its outer ring ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理
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ORA-54520: inner ring not on the same plane as its outer ring ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

报错故障ring 2023-11-05 17:11:15 855人浏览 薄情痞子

文档解释 ORA-54520: inner ring not on the same plane as its outer ring Cause: An inner ring was not on the same plane as its


ORA-54520: inner ring not on the same plane as its outer ring

Cause: An inner ring was not on the same plane as its outer ring.

Action: Ensure that each inner ring is on the same plane as its outer ring.

ORA-54520 (inner ring not on the same plane as its outer ring) 是oracle数据库服务器出现的一个错误消息。这通常指示存储在数据库中的几何数据有问题,导致服务器无法处理该数据。

这个错误出现的常见情况是在从 Oracle 空间数据库中提取几何数据的时候出现的。当数据库中外环不在同一平面上的时候,一个错误消息:ORA-54520 (inner ring not on the same plane as its outer ring)就会被返回给用户。



最后,有一个常见的错误处理技巧,当面对ORA-54520 (inner ring not on the same plane as its outer ring),用户可以尝试使用SDO_GEOM.REMOVE_RING函数来移除外环,然后重新创建外环,这样可以避免该错误的发生。

至此,本文介绍了ORA-54520 (inner ring not on the same plane as its outer ring)一个错误消息,以及如何解决这个问题的一些有效建议。正确的实施,可以避免出现该错误消息,保证任务的正常运行。


本文标题: ORA-54520: inner ring not on the same plane as its outer ring ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

本文链接: https://lsjlt.com/news/540020.html(转载时请注明来源链接)

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