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ORA-06736: TLI Driver: server not running ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

报错故障TLI 2023-11-05 06:11:34 351人浏览 泡泡鱼

文档解释 ORA-06736: TLI Driver: server not running Cause: TLI timed out while attempting to connect to the remote TLI server


ORA-06736: TLI Driver: server not running

Cause: TLI timed out while attempting to connect to the remote TLI server.

Action: Check that the remote TLI server is running with the status utility for the transport provider you are using. If it is not, ask your system adminstrator to start it.

ORA-06736表示TLI(Transport Layer Interface)驱动程序无法连接oracle, 因为Oracle服务器未运行。


ORA-06736: TLI Driver: Server not running

Cause: A request was made to the TLI driver to connect to a non-running database server.

Action: Start the desired database server, and then retry the operation.


ORA-06736: TLI Driver: Server not running可以通过使用tnsping来确认, 如果tnsping会遇到ORA-06736: TLI driver: server not running。


1. 检查Listener的状态,确保listener正在运行,使用以下命令:

[oracle@oracle active]$ lsnrctl status

2. 如果listener没有运行,则启动listener:

[oracle@oracle active]$ lsnrctl start

3. 确认database server正在运行,可以使用”ps”:

[oracle@vm2 active]$ ps -ef | grep pmon

4. 如果database server没有运行,可以使用srvctl启动:

[oracle@oracle active]$ srvctl start database –d orcl

5. 配置服务名和监听服务:

[oracle@oracle admin]$ netca

6. 确认正常连接,可以使用tnsping测试

[oracle@oracle ~]$ tnsping orcl


本文标题: ORA-06736: TLI Driver: server not running ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

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