首页 > 资讯 > 后端开发 > Python >可测含多进程的app-- python调用adb命令获取Android App应用的性能数据:CPU、GPU、内存、电池、耗电量(含python源码)
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可测含多进程的app-- python调用adb命令获取Android App应用的性能数据:CPU、GPU、内存、电池、耗电量(含python源码)

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可测含多进程的app–Python–通过adb命令获取Android App应用的性能数据:CPU、GPU、内存、电池、耗电量,并与Perfdog取值对比结果 1、原理 python脚本通过os.p

可测含多进程的app–Python–通过adb命令获取Android App应用的性能数据:CPU、GPU、内存、电池、耗电量,并与Perfdog取值对比结果




2.1 软件环境

需要python库:os, csv, time, datetime, sys,time,pandas

2.2 手机状态




3.1 同时会用到的其他adb命令

# Wi-Fi模式连接手机,手机与电脑连接同一个Wi-Fi,查看手机IP地址,执行命令:adb connect 如果连接失败,可以执行如下命令重启端口5555,再重新连接adb tcpip 5555# 获取app应用名adb shell dumpsys window | grep mCurrentFocus# 获取进程IDadb shell ps | grep im.zego.zegoland# 取出 文件指定行数 区间内容os.popen("sed -n '{},{}p' {} > {}".fORMat(sed_count['start_count'], sed_count['end_count'], original_path,result_path))

3.2 性能指标相关汇总表

手机相同adb shell dumpsys battery
整个appPerfdog计算的是功耗# 获取耗电量,单位:mAh,一定要WiFi模式连接手机
# 要先清空已有的耗电数据
adb shell dumpsys batterystats --enable full-wake-history
# 重置设备耗电数据
adb shell dumpsys batterystats --reset
# 执行测试场景后,获取耗电量数据
# 获取应用进ID,去掉下划线,如“u0_a901”,取值“u0a901”
# adb shell ps | grep im.zeGo.zegoland
adb shell dumpsys batterystats > batteryinfo.txt
CPU使用率AppCPU[%]接近,可替代多进程# -n指定刷新次数
adb shell top -n 1 > cpuinfo.txt
# 再根据PID筛选被测app的cpu数据
GPU使用率GUsage[%]与PerfDog误差在0.001位手机# 获取GPU数据,使用第2个数除以第1个数
# 部分机型用这个命令,如一加8T,OPPO Reno6
adb shell cat /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3D0/gpubusy
# 部分机型用这个命令,如红米note7
adb shell su -c ‘cat /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/gpubusy’
内存PssPerfDog-Memory-Pss[MB]与Perfdog取值相同多进程# adb shell dumpsys meminfo > meminfo.txt
内存UssMemory-Uss[MB]物理专属内存,需要手机root,Perfdog获取的是Pss/# 需要手机root
adb shell ‘procrank’
# 部分手机使用如下命令
adb shell su -c ‘procrank’

关于Android 系统内存耗用:VSS/RSS/PSS/USS 的介绍,可参考:


4.1 获取AppCPU使用率,GPU使用率、内存Pss、电池百分比、电池温度、耗电量源码

使用时,根据自己测试信息修改"if main"中的appName、deviceName、性能数据文件名PerfDataFile、收集性能时间runTime(单位秒,可修改为分钟、小时),被测进程(可多个)

#! /usr/bin/env python3# _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_"""@Auth : Dora@ Time: 2023.5.27调整为不依赖外部方法的脚本"""import os, csv, time, datetime, sysfrom time import sleepimport pandas as pdclass Logger(object):    def __init__(self, filename='default.log', stream=sys.stdout):        self.terminal = stream        self.log = open(filename, 'a+')    def write(self, message):        self.terminal.write(message)        self.log.write(message)    def flush(self):        pass# 将控制台输出到日志文件中,日志是追加模式,记得定时清理# 便于检验数据获取是否正确。也可将这部分删除sys.stdout = Logger('../log/stout_log.log', sys.stdout)sys.stderr = Logger('../log/stout.log_file', sys.stderr)# 可用class PertestInfo:    def __init__(self, appName, deviceName, PerfDataFile, runTime, *progress):        self.PerfDataFile = PerfDataFile        # 分割线,便于定位日志        print("{:*^50s}".format("Split Line"))        print("{:+^50s}".format(self.PerfDataFile))        self.appName = appName  # 要测试的app        self.progress = progress  # 要测试的进程,一个应用可能有多个进程        print("self.progress:", self.progress, type(self.progress))        self.deviceName = deviceName  # 设备名称        self.current_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime())        # 运行时间        self.run_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=runTime)  # 收集性能数据时长,时间单位可修改为:hours,minutes,seconds    def clear_getsize(self, file_path):        # 可以写成一个装饰器,待优化        with open(file_path,'w'):            pass        start_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime())        os.popen('adb -s {} shell top -n 1 > {}'.format(deviceName, file_path))        while not os.path.getsize(file_path):            # os.path.getsize() 返回文件的字节数,如果为 0,则代表空            # 判断执行top命令返回的数据是否存入文件,若文件为0,继续sleep(1)            sleep(1)        end_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime())        print('运行top命令开始时间:', start_time)        print('运行top命令数据保存到文件的结束时间:', end_time)    def get_PID(self):        # 获取pid        appPID = {}        # result = os.popen('adb -s {} shell ps | grep {}'.format(self.deviceName, appName))        for app in self.progress:            # print('app:', app)            result = os.popen('adb -s {} shell ps | grep {}'.format(self.deviceName, app))            # print("pid result:", result)            for line in result.readlines():                print('line:', line, type(line))                line = '#'.join(line.split()) + '#'                # print('line#:', line)                appstr = app + '#'                if appstr in line:                    print('line#:', line)                    pid = line.split('#')[1]                    # print("pid:", pid)                    appPID[app] = pid        print('appPID:', appPID)        sleep(1)        return appPID    def sed_result(self, original_path, keyword, result_path):        # 获取开始、结束行数        start_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime())        print('获取start_index开始时间:', start_time)        sed_index = {'start_index': 0, 'end_index': 0}        while sed_index['start_index'] == 0:            sleep(1)            for index, line in enumerate(open(original_path, 'r')):                if keyword in line:                    sed_index['start_index'] = index                    print("start_index:", sed_index['start_index'])                    break        end_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime())        print('获取start_index结束时间:', end_time)        with open(original_path, 'r') as f:            result = f.readlines()[sed_index['start_index']:]            index = sed_index['start_index']            for line in result:                index = index + 1                if line in ['\n', '\r\n']:                    sed_index['end_index'] = index                    print("end_index:", sed_index['end_index'])                    break        # 从开始、结束行数截取内容        os.popen("sed -n '{},{}p' {} > {}".format(sed_index['start_index'], sed_index['end_index'], original_path,                      result_path))        # 案例:取出 / etc / passwd的第2行到第5行        # sed - n '2,5p' / etc / passwd        #  result = os.popen('sed -n {}p {}'.format(500, filename)).read()    def get_batteryPercent_temperature(self):        # 获取电量半分比和电池温度        result = os.popen("adb -s {} shell dumpsys battery".format(self.deviceName))  # .read()        # print(result)        battery_percent = {'battery_percent': '', 'temperature': ''}        for line in result:            # print("line:{}-----", line)            if "level" in line:                battery_percent['battery_percent'] = int(line.split(":")[1])                # print("battery_percent:{},type(battery_percent):{}".format(battery_percent, type(battery_percent)))            if "temperature" in line:                battery_percent['temperature'] = int(line.split(":")[1]) / 10                # print("battery_percent:{},type(battery_percent):{}".format(battery_percent, type(battery_percent)))        print("battery_percent:", battery_percent)        return battery_percent    def reset_battery(self):        # 执行业务场景前,清空耗电数据,并重置设备耗电数据        os.popen("adb -s {} shell dumpsys batterystats --enable full-wake-history".format(self.deviceName))  # 清空已有的耗电数据        sleep(2)        os.popen("adb -s {} shell dumpsys batterystats --reset".format(self.deviceName))  # 重置设备耗电数据    def get_battery(self):        # 获取耗电量,单位:mAh        # 一定要WiFi模式连接手机        battery = {'battery_sum': '', 'battery_screen': '', 'battery_cpu': '', 'battery_camera': '', 'battery_wifi': '',                   'battery_system_services': '', 'battery_sensors': '', 'battery_audio': ''}        # 获取进程ID:uid        cmd1 = "adb -s {} shell ps | grep {}".format(self.deviceName, self.appName)        uid_data = os.popen(cmd1).read()        uid_original = uid_data.split()[0]        uid = uid_original.replace('_', '')        print('uid:', uid)        original_path = '../log/original_data.txt'        result_path = '../log/sed_result.txt'        # 先清空之前的内容        with open(original_path,'w'):            pass        with open(result_path,'w'):            pass        start_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime())        str1 = '  Estimated power use (mAh):'        cmd2 = 'adb -s {} shell dumpsys batterystats > {}'.format(self.deviceName, original_path)        os.popen(cmd2)        while not os.path.getsize(original_path):            # os.path.getsize() 返回文件的字节数,如果为 0,则代表空            # 耗电量数据存储需要时间,判断执行top命令返回的数据是否存入文件            sleep(1)        end_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime())        print('运行获取耗电量开始时间:', start_time)        print('运行耗电量数据保存到文件的结束时间:', end_time)        self.sed_result(original_path=original_path, keyword=str1, result_path=result_path)        while not os.path.getsize(result_path):            sleep(1)        with open(result_path, 'r') as f:            for line in f.readlines():                if uid in line:                    print('battery_line:', line)                    line = '#'.join(line.split())                    battery['battery_sum'] = line.split('#')[2]                    if 'screen=' in line:                        battery['battery_screen'] = line.split('screen=')[1].split('#')[0]                    if 'cpu=' in line:                        battery['battery_cpu'] = line.split('cpu=')[1].split('#')[0]                    if 'camera=' in line:                        battery['battery_camera'] = line.split('camera=')[1].split('#')[0]                    if 'wifi=' in line:                        battery['battery_wifi'] = line.split('wifi=')[1].split('#')[0]                    if 'system_services=' in line:                        battery['battery_system_services'] = line.split('system_services=')[1].split('#')[0]                    if 'sensors=' in line:                        battery['battery_sensors'] = line.split('sensors=')[1].split('#')[0]                    if 'audio=' in line:                        battery['battery_audio'] = line.split('audio=')[1].split('#')[0]        print('battery:\n', battery)        return battery    def get_cpuinfo(self):        # 获取PID        appPID = self.get_PID()        # print("appPID:", appPID)        appCPU = {}        file_path = '../log/cpuinfo.txt'        # 先清空之前的内容        with open(file_path,'w'):            pass        start_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime())        os.popen('adb -s {} shell top -n 1 > {}'.format(deviceName, file_path))        while not os.path.getsize(file_path):            # os.path.getsize() 返回文件的字节数,如果为 0,则代表空            # 判断执行top命令返回的数据是否存入文件            sleep(1)        end_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime())        print('运行top命令开始时间:', start_time)        print('运行top命令数据保存到文件的结束时间:', end_time)        with open(file_path, 'r') as f:            for line in f.readlines():                for app in self.progress:                    if app in appPID.keys():                        if appPID[app] in line:# print('app:', app)# print('appPID line:', line)# appCPU['time'] = int(time.time())  # 当前时间)cpu = round(float(line.split()[-4]) / 8, 2)appCPU[app] = cpu        print("appCPU:", appCPU)        return appCPU    def get_GUsage(self):        # 获取GPU使用率,与PerfDog误差在0.001以内        result1 = os.popen(            'adb -s {} shell "cat /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/gpubusy"'.format(deviceName)).read()  # 获取GPU占用率,一加8T        # print("result:", result1)        result2 = os.popen('adb -s {} shell su -c "cat /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/gpubusy"'.format(            deviceName)).read()  # 获取GPU占用率,红米note7        # print("result:", result2)        GUsage = 0        if result1:            data1 = result1.split()            GUsage = round(int(data1[0]) / int(data1[1]) * 100, 3)  # round(i,j)给i取j位小数,X100,转化为百分比            print('GUsage1:', GUsage)        elif result2:            data2 = result2.split()            GUsage = round(int(data2[0]) / int(data2[1]) * 100, 3)  # round(i,j)给i取j位小数,X100,转化为百分比            print('GUsage2:', GUsage)        else:            print("GUsage获取失败,可能获取GPU命令不适用于被测机型")        return GUsage    def get_memory_Pss(self):        # 获取pid        appPID = self.get_PID()        # 获取内存数据        original_path = '../log/original_data.txt'        result_path = '../log/sed_result.txt'        # 先清空之前的内容        with open(original_path,'w'):            pass        with open(result_path,'w'):            pass        start_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime())        str1 = 'Total PSS by process:'        cmd2 = 'adb -s {} shell dumpsys meminfo > {}'.format(self.deviceName, original_path)        print('cmd2:', cmd2)        os.popen(cmd2)        while not os.path.getsize(original_path):            # os.path.getsize() 返回文件的字节数,如果为 0,则代表空            # 判断执行top命令返回的数据是否存入文件            sleep(1)        end_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime())        print('运行获取内存开始时间:', start_time)        print('运行内存数据保存到文件的结束时间:', end_time)        self.sed_result(original_path=original_path, keyword=str1, result_path=result_path)        while not os.path.getsize(result_path):            sleep(1)        # appPSS = {'im.zego.zegoland:zegoland_avatar': 0, 'im.zego.zegoland:zegoland_unity': 0,'im.zego.zegoland:zegoland': 0}        appPss = {}        with open(result_path, 'r') as f:            for line in f.readlines():                for app in self.progress:                    if app in appPID.keys():                        if appPID[app] in line:# print('app:', app)print('app_mem_line:', line, app, appPID[app])Pss = round((int(line.strip().split('K: ')[0].replace(',', ''))) / 1024, 2)# print("Pss:", Pss)appPss[app] = Pss        print("appPss", appPss)        return appPss    def analyse_dumpsys_Csv(self, fileName):        # 对性能数据文件进行计算,获取均值、最大值、最小值        analyse_data = []        info = pd.read_csv(fileName, encoding='gbk')        rowsName = info.columns  # 列名        print('列名:', rowsName)        lines = info.shape[0]  # 行数        rows = info.shape[1]  # 列数        print("行:{},type{},列:{}".format(lines, type(lines), rows))        # result = {}        avg_data = ['', '', '', 'avg']  # 存放均值        max_data = ['', '', '', 'max']  # 存放最大值        min_data = ['', '', '', 'min']  # 存放最小值        for row_name in rowsName:            if row_name not in ['id', 'hour', 'minute', 'second']:                avg_value = round(info[row_name].mean(), 2)                max_value = info[row_name].max()                min_value = info[row_name].min()                avg_data.append(avg_value)                max_data.append(max_value)                min_data.append(min_value)        # 将均值、最大值、最小值存入analyse_data以便输入csv文件        analyse_data.append(avg_data)        analyse_data.append(max_data)        analyse_data.append(min_data)        print('analyse_data:', analyse_data)        # 在数据表中插入平均值、最大值、最小值        with open(fileName, 'a+', newline='') as file:            # a+ 追加方式写+读            writer = csv.writer(file)            writer.writerows(analyse_data)            sleep(1)            file.close()    def perf_run(self):        # 执行获取数据函数        GPU_battery_data = [            ['id', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'GUsage[%]', 'battery_percent[%]', 'temperature', 'battery_sum[mAh]',             'battery_screen[mAh]', 'battery_cpu[mAh]', 'battery_camera[mAh]', 'battery_wifi[mAh]',             'battery_system_services[mAh]', 'battery_sensors[mAh]', 'battery_audio[mAh]']]        print('GPU_battery_data:', GPU_battery_data)        print("now:", datetime.datetime.now())        print('run_time:', self.run_time)        self.reset_battery()  # 清空耗电数据,并重置耗电数据        sleep(1)        id = 1  # id:可以运行的次数        end_time = datetime.datetime.now() + self.run_time        mem_Pss_data = []        cpu_data = []        while end_time > datetime.datetime.now():            # 在指定时间内运行            battery_percent = self.get_batteryPercent_temperature()  # 获取电量百分数和电池温度            print('battery_percent:', battery_percent)            # sleep(1)            GUsage = self.get_GUsage()  # 获取GPU占用率            # sleep(1)            GPU_battery_data.append((                str(id), str(datetime.datetime.now().hour), str(datetime.datetime.now().minute),                str(datetime.datetime.now().second), str(GUsage),                battery_percent['battery_percent'], battery_percent['temperature'], '', '', '', '', ''))            cpu_info = self.get_cpuinfo()  # 获取cpu            cpu_info['id'] = id            cpu_info['hour'] = datetime.datetime.now().hour            cpu_info['minute'] = datetime.datetime.now().minute            cpu_info['second'] = datetime.datetime.now().second            # cpu_info['time'] = str(datetime.datetime.now().hour)+':'+str(datetime.datetime.now().minute)+':'+str(datetime.datetime.now().second)            cpu_data.append(cpu_info)            # sleep(1)            mem_Pss = self.get_memory_Pss()  # 获取内存            mem_Pss['id'] = id            mem_Pss['hour'] = datetime.datetime.now().hour            mem_Pss['minute'] = datetime.datetime.now().minute            mem_Pss['second'] = datetime.datetime.now().second            mem_Pss_data.append(mem_Pss)            # print("多组Pss数据:", mem_Pss_data)            id = id + 1            sleep(1)        # 最后一组数据展示耗电量 mAh        battery_percent = self.get_batteryPercent_temperature()  # 获取电量和电池温度        # sleep(1)        cpu_info = self.get_cpuinfo()  # 获取cpu        print('cpu_info:', cpu_info)        cpu_info['id'] = id        cpu_info['hour'] = datetime.datetime.now().hour        cpu_info['minute'] = datetime.datetime.now().minute        cpu_info['second'] = datetime.datetime.now().second        cpu_data.append(cpu_info)        # sleep(1)        GUsage = self.get_GUsage()  # 获取GPU占用率        # sleep(1)        mem_Pss = self.get_memory_Pss()  # 获取内存        id = id + 1        mem_Pss['id'] = id        mem_Pss['hour'] = datetime.datetime.now().hour        mem_Pss['minute'] = datetime.datetime.now().minute        mem_Pss['second'] = datetime.datetime.now().second        # print("一组Pss数据:", mem_Pss)        mem_Pss_data.append(mem_Pss)        # print("多组Pss数据:", mem_Pss_data)        # sleep(1)        battery = self.get_battery()  # 耗电量数据,单位:mAh        print("")        GPU_battery_data.append((            str(id), str(datetime.datetime.now().hour), str(datetime.datetime.now().minute),            str(datetime.datetime.now().second), str(GUsage),            battery_percent['battery_percent'], battery_percent['temperature'], battery['battery_sum'],            battery['battery_screen'], battery['battery_cpu'], battery['battery_camera'], battery['battery_wifi'],            battery['battery_system_services'], battery['battery_sensors'], battery['battery_audio']))        print("收集性能数据结束时间:", datetime.datetime.now())        sleep(1)        print("保存数据")        # 保存数据GPU和battery数据        with open('../data/batatery_GPU-%s' % self.PerfDataFile, 'w', newline='') as file:            writer = csv.writer(file, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)            writer.writerows(GPU_battery_data)            sleep(10)            file.flush()            sleep(2)            file.close()        print("分析数据")        # 分析数据        # self.analyse_perf_Csv('../data/batatery_GPU-%s' % self.PerfDataFile)        # 分析GPU和battery数据        self.analyse_dumpsys_Csv('../data/batatery_GPU-%s' % self.PerfDataFile)        # 保存内存数据        fieldName = []        for app in self.progress:            # print('app:', app)            fieldName.append(app)        els = ['id', 'hour', 'minute', 'second']        fieldName = els + fieldName        print('filedName:', fieldName)        with open('../data/mem_Pss-%s' % self.PerfDataFile, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:            writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldName)            writer.writeheader()            for row in mem_Pss_data:                writer.writerow(row)        self.analyse_dumpsys_Csv('../data/mem_Pss-%s' % self.PerfDataFile)        # 保存cpu数据        """        cpu_fieldName = []        for app in self.progress:            # print('app:', app)            cpu_fieldName.append(app)        cpu_els = ['id', 'time']        cpu_fieldName = cpu_els + cpu_fieldName        """        with open('../data/AppCPU-%s' % self.PerfDataFile, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:            writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldName)            writer.writeheader()            for row in cpu_data:                writer.writerow(row)        self.analyse_dumpsys_Csv('../data/AppCPU-%s' % self.PerfDataFile, )if __name__ == '__main__':    # 一定要Wi-Fi模式连接手机    # deviceName = ''    # deviceName = ''    # deviceName = ''  # 一加8T    # deviceName = ''  # 华为P50    deviceName = ''  # oppo reno6    # deviceName = ''    # deviceName = ''  # 小米11青春版    # deviceName = ''  # 红米note7    # deviceName = ''  # oppo reno3 pro    appName = 'im.zego.zegoland'   # ZegoLand    # appName = 'com.zego.goavatar'  # avatar    # 运行时常    runTime = 60    PerfDataFile = "OPPOreno6-语聊房-{}.csv".format(        str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime())))    # 应用包含多个进程时,存放于*progress    # ZL    phone = PertestInfo(appName, deviceName, PerfDataFile, runTime, 'im.zego.zegoland:zegoland_avatar',                        'im.zego.zegoland:zegoland_Unity',                        'im.zego.zegoland')    # phone = PertestInfo(appName, deviceName, PerfDataFile, runTime,'com.zego.goavatar')    # appPID = phone.get_PID()    # phone.get_battery()    # phone.get_GUsage()    # phone.get_cpuinfo()    # phone.get_memory_Pss()    phone.perf_run()




2、使用多线程,在执行monkey测试的同时收集性能数据和log cat日志,同时检测crash,导出crash日志;



本文标题: 可测含多进程的app-- python调用adb命令获取Android App应用的性能数据:CPU、GPU、内存、电池、耗电量(含python源码)

本文链接: https://lsjlt.com/news/397679.html(转载时请注明来源链接)

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