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Android Audio音量设置原理流程分析

android 2023-08-30 12:08:57 826人浏览 薄情痞子

Android Audio音量设置原理流程分析 简介 本篇文章主要介绍Android音量设置从App应用层到framework层执行流程,以及相关的细节和原理分析,建议在阅读此文章前去看博主的混音理论篇的声音的音量属性和

Android Audio音量设置原理流程分析





  • setStreamVolume(int streamType, int index, int flags)
  • adjustStreamVolume(int streamType, int direction, int flags)
public static final int STREAM_DEFAULT = -1;public static final int STREAM_VOICE_CALL = 0;public static final int STREAM_SYSTEM = 1;public static final int STREAM_RING = 2;public static final int STREAM_MUSIC = 3;public static final int STREAM_ALARM = 4;public static final int STREAM_NOTIFICATION = 5;public static final int STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO = 6;@UnsupportedAppUsagepublic static final int STREAM_SYSTEM_ENFORCED = 7;public static final int STREAM_DTMF = 8;public static final int STREAM_TTS = 9;public static final int STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY = 10;



  • mUseFixedVolume和mFixedVolumeDevices 固定音量
  • mSafeMediaVolumeDevices安全音量设备
  • VolumeStreamState 是AudioService的一个内部类



mFixedVolumeDevices:是一个数组,里面是输出设备out device集合,在此范围内的设备不可进行音量调节,音量值取值max





private final int[] STREAM_VOLUME_ALIAS_DEFAULT = new int[] {    AudioSystem.STREAM_VOICE_CALL,      // STREAM_VOICE_CALL    AudioSystem.STREAM_SYSTEM,            // STREAM_SYSTEM    AudioSystem.STREAM_RING,            // STREAM_RING    AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC,           // STREAM_MUSIC    AudioSystem.STREAM_ALARM,           // STREAM_ALARM    AudioSystem.STREAM_NOTIFICATION,            // STREAM_NOTIFICATION    AudioSystem.STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO,   // STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO    AudioSystem.STREAM_RING,            // STREAM_SYSTEM_ENFORCED    AudioSystem.STREAM_RING,            // STREAM_DTMF    AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC,           // STREAM_TTS    AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC            // STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY}; 


就是在设置音量时,将不同音频流进行分组来处理他们的音量;因为在不同设备上,不同类型音频流管理一致,如Android TV设备,STREAM_MUSIC和STREAM_RING音量管理方式是一样的



private void createStreamStates() {   // 一共11个types,定义在Audioystem中   int numStreamTypes = AudioSystem.getNumStreamTypes();   VolumeStreamState[] streams = mStreamStates = new VolumeStreamState[numStreamTypes];   //相当于mStreamStates实实在在有numStreamTypes个,但是内部的name可能是相同的   for (int i = 0; i < numStreamTypes; i++) {   //mStreamVolumeAlias数组保存了每个streamType的int值,VOLUME_SETTINGS_INT数组字符串stream的名称      streams[i] = new VolumeStreamState(System.VOLUME_SETTINGS_INT[mStreamVolumeAlias[i]], i);   }   ......}
  1. getNumStreamTypes获取streamType的数量11个,创建11个VolumeStreamState对象
  2. i其实就对应streamType,mStreamVolumeAlias[i]就是取streamType的音频音量别名,VOLUME_SETTINGS_INT就是转换为字符串名字


private class VolumeStreamState {   private final int mStreamType;   private int mIndexMin;  //最小音量等级   private int mIndexMax;//最大音量等级   private boolean mIsMuted;  //是否静音   private String mVolumeIndexSettingName;   private int mObservedDevices;   //保存了每个device的音量等级index值   private final SparseIntArray mIndexMap = new SparseIntArray(8);   private final Intent mVolumeChanged;   private final Intent mStreamDevicesChanged;   //settingName来源于Settings.java中的VOLUME_SETTINGS_INT数组,如字符串volume_music、volume_voice等   private VolumeStreamState(String settingName, int streamType) {       mVolumeIndexSettingName = settingName;       mStreamType = streamType;              mIndexMin = MIN_STREAM_VOLUME[streamType] * 10;       mIndexMax = MAX_STREAM_VOLUME[streamType] * 10;       //实质是设置VolumeCurves对象的mIndexMin和mIndexMax成员       AudioSystem.initStreamVolume(streamType, mIndexMin / 10, mIndexMax / 10);       readSettings();       .......   }}
  1. 以上这种VolumeStreamState创建对象有11个,不同的VolumeStreamState对应,其内部的mVolumeIndexSettingName可能有相同的,但是streamType是唯一的;
  2. mIndexMin和mIndexMax表示此类streamType音量等级调节的范围,不能超过此范围,这个值min和max其实来源于音量曲线文件中的配置,标签的值如下:
<volumeGroup>        <name>oem_traffic_anouncementname>        <indexMin>0indexMin>        <indexMax>40indexMax>        <volume deviceCateGory="DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER">            <point>0,-4200point>            <point>33,-2800point>            <point>66,-1400point>            <point>100,0point>        volume>volumeGroup>

3. mIndexMap是map结构,key对应device,value对应音量等级index,device对应了AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_ALL许多设备,如DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE、DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER等等,也就是说每个每个VolumeStreamState保存了所有输出设备的音量等级index


public void readSettings() {  synchronized (mSettingsLock) {      synchronized (VolumeStreamState.class) {          // force maximum volume on all streams if fixed volume property is set          if (mUseFixedVolume) {              //DEVICE_OUT_DEFAULT应该是默认设备的默认音量              mIndexMap.put(AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_DEFAULT, mIndexMax);              return;          }          // do not read system stream volume from settings: this stream is always aliased          // to another stream type and its volume is never persisted. Values in settings can          // only be stale values          if ((mStreamType == AudioSystem.STREAM_SYSTEM) ||                  (mStreamType == AudioSystem.STREAM_SYSTEM_ENFORCED)) {              //如果stream是系统类型,则从读取系统中此类型的默认音量,默认都是12              int index = 10 * AudioSystem.DEFAULT_STREAM_VOLUME[mStreamType];              if (mCameraSoundForced) {                  index = mIndexMax;              }              //此streamType下,无论任何输出设备,音量都是固定值              mIndexMap.put(AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_DEFAULT, index);              return;          }      }  }synchronized (VolumeStreamState.class) {      //DEVICE_OUT_ALL是所有设备的输出或的结果,每个设备device占一个bit,如A设备为0x01 B设备0x02 C设备0x04这样依次,或之后的结果互不冲突      int remainingDevices = AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_ALL;      for (int i = 0; remainingDevices != 0; i++) {         //依次取出每一个device设备          int device = (1 << i);         //如果device和remainingevices相与为0,说明这个device没有在所有设备的集合中,因此也没必要走下面的流程          if ((device & remainingDevices) == 0) {              continue;          }         //从remainingDevices设备集合中剔除掉当前这个device          remainingDevices &= ~device;          // retrieve current volume for device          // if no volume stored for current stream and device, use default volume if default          // device, continue otherwise          int defaultIndex = (device == AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_DEFAULT) ?                  AudioSystem.DEFAULT_STREAM_VOLUME[mStreamType] : -1;          int index;          //不是有效的名字,null或空字符          if (!hasValidSettingsName()) {              index = defaultIndex;          } else {              //为这个的device拿到自己的字符串名字,是一个组合名字,stream类型家输出设备,如stream_music_speaker、stream_music_earpiece等              String name = getSettingNameForDevice(device);              //通过ContentResolver方式获取上次保存的index              index = Settings.System.getIntForUser(                      mContentResolver, name, defaultIndex, UserHandle.USER_CURRENT);          }          if (index == -1) {              continue;          }         //getValidIndex确保index在indexMin和indexMax范围之间的合法值          mIndexMap.put(device, getValidIndex(10 * index));      }  }}
  1. 如果配置了mUseFixedVolume固定音量,则mIndexMap中所有设备的音量等级取值indexMax,返回
  2. AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_ALL包含了所有输出设备,依次遍历每个设备,将每个设备的音量等级index设置到mIndexMap中去;如果当前的mVolumeIndexSettingName不合法,音量等级为默认值12,反之则通过Settings类,利用contentResolver机制从数据库中获取上次的音量等级;




protected void adjustStreamVolume(int streamType, int direction, int flags,            String callingPackage, String caller, int uid) {if (mUseFixedVolume) {    return;}.......boolean isMuteAdjust = isMuteAdjust(direction);if (isMuteAdjust && !isStreamAffectedByMute(streamType)) {    return;}.........//获取别名int streamTypeAlias = mStreamVolumeAlias[streamType];//获取volumeStreamStateVolumeStreamState streamState = mStreamStates[streamTypeAlias];//获取stream的输出设备final int device = getDeviceForStream(streamTypeAlias);//获取此stream的这个输出设备的音量等级indexint aliasIndex = streamState.getIndex(device);boolean adjustVolume = true;int step;.......// reset any pending volume commandsynchronized (mSafeMediaVolumeStateLock) {    mPendingVolumeCommand = null;}flags &= ~AudioManager.FLAG_FIXED_VOLUME;if ((streamTypeAlias == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC) &&        ((device & mFixedVolumeDevices) != 0)) {    flags |= AudioManager.FLAG_FIXED_VOLUME;    //media safe安全状态是否激活,并且device又属于安全设备范围headset headphone    if (mSafeMediaVolumeState == SAFE_MEDIA_VOLUME_ACTIVE &&            (device & mSafeMediaVolumeDevices) != 0) {        //获取耳机设备的最大安全音量,防止声音突变对耳朵造成伤害        step = safeMediaVolumeIndex(device);    } else {        //不在safe状态或不属于safedevice,就拿它的最大音量等级        step = streamState.getMaxIndex();    }    if (aliasIndex != 0) {        aliasIndex = step;    }} else {    //又可能上层streamType和streamTypeAlias不一样,这种情况在不同设备上,比如TV设备,music、voice对应的alias都属于music    step = rescaleIndex(10, streamType, streamTypeAlias);}    //flag和uiSoundStreamType符合就要处理RingMode,uiSound就是获取Stream_system的别名if (((flags & AudioManager.FLAG_ALLOW_RINGER_MODES) != 0) ||        (streamTypeAlias == getUiSoundsStreamType())) {        //获取当前ringmode模式    int ringerMode = getRingerModeInternal();    // 如果已经是vibrator震动模式,就没必要再次设置震动了    if (ringerMode == AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE) {        flags &= ~AudioManager.FLAG_VIBRATE;    }    final int result = checkForRingerModeChange(aliasIndex, direction, step,            streamState.mIsMuted, callingPackage, flags);    adjustVolume = (result & FLAG_ADJUST_VOLUME) != 0;    if ((result & AudioManager.FLAG_SHOW_SILENT_HINT) != 0) {        flags |= AudioManager.FLAG_SHOW_SILENT_HINT;    }    // If suppressing a volume down adjustment in vibrate mode, display the UI hint    if ((result & AudioManager.FLAG_SHOW_VIBRATE_HINT) != 0) {        flags |= AudioManager.FLAG_SHOW_VIBRATE_HINT;    }}// If the ringer mode or zen is muting the stream, do not change stream unless// it'll cause us to exit dndif (!volumeAdjustmentAllowedByDnd(streamTypeAlias, flags)) {    adjustVolume = false;}int oldIndex = mStreamStates[streamType].getIndex(device);//不等于ADJUST_SAME说明声音要作出改变,如何改变就是要看他的directionif (adjustVolume && (direction != AudioManager.ADJUST_SAME)) {    mAudioHandler.removeMessages(MSG_UNMUTE_STREAM);    if (isMuteAdjust) {        boolean state;        //就是与之前的mute取反向操作        if (direction == AudioManager.ADJUST_TOGGLE_MUTE) {            state = !streamState.mIsMuted;        } else {            state = direction == AudioManager.ADJUST_MUTE;        }        if (streamTypeAlias == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC) {            //设置是否mute            setSystemAudioMute(state);        }        for (int stream = 0; stream < mStreamStates.length; stream++) {           //满足if条件的可能有多个,因为在创建之处的时候就创建了多个            if (streamTypeAlias == mStreamVolumeAlias[stream]) {                if (!(readCameraSoundForced()&& (mStreamStates[stream].getStreamType()    == AudioSystem.STREAM_SYSTEM_ENFORCED))) {                   //设置某个streamType的mute状态                    mStreamStates[stream].mute(state);                }    }        }    } else if ((direction == AudioManager.ADJUST_RAISE) &&            !checkSafeMediaVolume(streamTypeAlias, aliasIndex + step, device)) {        Log.e(TAG, "adjustStreamVolume() safe volume index = " + oldIndex);        mVolumeController.postDisplaySafeVolumeWarning(flags);    } else if (((device & mFullVolumeDevices) == 0)            && (streamState.adjustIndex(direction * step, device, caller)                    || streamState.mIsMuted)) {        // Post message to set system volume (it in turn will post a        // message to persist).        if (streamState.mIsMuted) {            // Unmute the stream if it was previously muted            if (direction == AudioManager.ADJUST_RAISE) {                // unmute immediately for volume up                streamState.mute(false);            } else if (direction == AudioManager.ADJUST_LOWER) {                if (mIsSingleVolume) {                    sendMsg(mAudioHandler, MSG_UNMUTE_STREAM, SENDMSG_QUEUE,streamTypeAlias, flags, null, UNMUTE_STREAM_DELAY);                }            }        }        //发送mute        sendMsg(mAudioHandler,                MSG_SET_DEVICE_VOLUME,                SENDMSG_QUEUE,                device,                0,                streamState,                0);    }    ......}
  1. 获取streamType的别名alias和音量状态管理类VolumeStreamState,获取当前streamType在底层链路中的输出设备device,获取过程相对复杂,主要是通过streamType,依次找到attribute、strategy,根据路由策略找到输出设备device,详细过程可参考Audio播放音频 — 建立播放通道
  2. 获取这个device的音量等级index,其中需要判断该device是否属于fixvolume、safemedia设备中,是的话音量等级就取该设备的safeVolume,否则就取10,并且要进行音量等级转换rescaleIndex,因为streamType和他的alias别名不同,也就是说要按照alias的音量管理来处理音量,所以需要将音量等级进行转换
  3. 处理RingMode模式,针对mute静音情况时,是开启震动vibrator还是保持静音slience
  4. 处理音量调节加减等工作


2: rescaleIndex音量等级转换

private int rescaleIndex(int index, int srcStream, int dstStream) {    int srcRange =            mStreamStates[srcStream].getMaxIndex() - mStreamStates[srcStream].getMinIndex();    int dstRange =            mStreamStates[dstStream].getMaxIndex() - mStreamStates[dstStream].getMinIndex();    if (srcRange == 0) {        Log.e(TAG, "rescaleIndex : index range should not be zero");        return mStreamStates[dstStream].getMinIndex();    }        return mStreamStates[dstStream].getMinIndex()            + ((index - mStreamStates[srcStream].getMinIndex()) * dstRange + srcRange / 2)            / srcRange;    }

以上代码关键理解点在于return这句,srcRange代表srcStream可调整的音量等级范围,假如[1, 10],同理dstRange,有可能是[10, 20],如传入的srcStream的index音量等级是5,对应到dstStream是都少呢?
因为这里所属音量等级范畴,属于线性的,还没到分贝非线性范畴,所以是可以用等比例法进行换算,为了简化字符,将mStreamStates[dstStream].getMinIndex()以 d s t . m i n dst.min dst.min,将return返回值记为 x x x,则以上return表达式变为:
x=dst.min+ ( i n d e x − s r c . m i n ) ∗ d s t R a n g e + s r c R a n g e 2 s r c R a n g e x = dst.min + \frac{(index - src.min)*dstRange + \frac{srcRange}{2}}{srcRange} x=dst.min+srcRange(indexsrc.min)dstRange+2srcRange
x − d s t . m i n − 0.5 i n d e x − s r c . m i n = d s t R a n g e s r c R a n g e \frac{x - dst.min - 0.5}{index - src.min} = \frac{dstRange}{srcRange} indexsrc.minxdst.min0.5=srcRangedstRange
最终求值的 x x x不就是我们要的等比例值吗?+0.5估计是为了向上取整

4: 处理音量调节加减等工作

if (isMuteAdjust) {    处理mute和unmute情况}else if((direction == AudioManager.ADJUST_RAISE) &&            !checkSafeMediaVolume(streamTypeAlias, aliasIndex + step, device)){    忽略此步}else if(((device & mFullVolumeDevices) == 0) &&         (streamState.adjustIndex(direction * step, device, caller)         || streamState.mIsMuted)){    处理音量加减情况}
  1. 第一个条件处理策略:
private boolean isMuteAdjust(int adjust) {    return adjust == AudioManager.ADJUST_MUTE || adjust == AudioManager.ADJUST_UNMUTE            || adjust == AudioManager.ADJUST_TOGGLE_MUTE;}

AudioManager.ADJUST_MUTE : 静默
AudioManager.ADJUST_UNMUTE : 取消静默
AudioManager.ADJUST_TOGGLE_MUTE : 如果之前是静默这次就非静默,反之亦是

//就是与之前的mute取反向操作if (direction == AudioManager.ADJUST_TOGGLE_MUTE) {    state = !streamState.mIsMuted;} else {    state = direction == AudioManager.ADJUST_MUTE;}if (streamTypeAlias == AudioSystem.STREAM_MUSIC) {    //设置是否mute    setSystemAudioMute(state);}for (int stream = 0; stream < mStreamStates.length; stream++) {    //以别名为准,streamType对应的别名相同的音量管理类volumeStreamState都要处理    if (streamTypeAlias == mStreamVolumeAlias[stream]) {        //没有强制或type情况        if (!(readCameraSoundForced()                    && (mStreamStates[stream].getStreamType()                        == AudioSystem.STREAM_SYSTEM_ENFORCED))) {            //设置某个streamType的mute状态            mStreamStates[stream].mute(state);        }    }}


public void mute(boolean state) {    boolean changed = false;    synchronized (VolumeStreamState.class) {        //需要设置的state和之前的mISMuted是否相同,相同就没必要再次重复        if (state != mIsMuted) {            changed = true;            mIsMuted = state;            //sendMsg参数MSG_SET_ALL_VOLUMES=what,SENDMSG_QUEUE代表这个消息是发、不发、替换策略,不会放入到消息体中,第三个就会放到消息里面去            sendMsg(mAudioHandler,                    MSG_SET_ALL_VOLUMES,                    SENDMSG_QUEUE,                    0,                    0,                    this, 0);        }    }    ......}


MSG_SET_ALL_VOLUMES消息处理依次调用:setAllVolumes --> applyAllVolumes,直接看最后的方法:

public void applyAllVolumes() {    final boolean isAvrcpAbsVolSupported = mDeviceBroker.isAvrcpAbsoluteVolumeSupported();    synchronized (VolumeStreamState.class) {        // apply device specific volumes first        int index;        for (int i = 0; i < mIndexMap.size(); i++) {            final int device = mIndexMap.keyAt(i);            if (device != AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_DEFAULT) {                if (mIsMuted) {                    index = 0;                //为什么index要加5个等级呢?调整音量                } else if ((device & AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP) != 0 &&                        isAvrcpAbsVolSupported) {                    index = getAbsoluteVolumeIndex((getIndex(device) + 5)/10);                } else if ((device & mFullVolumeDevices) != 0) {                    index = (mIndexMax + 5)/10;                } else if ((device & AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_HEARING_AID) != 0) {                    index = (mIndexMax + 5)/10;                } else {                    index = (mIndexMap.valueAt(i) + 5)/10;                }                setStreamVolumeIndex(index, device);            }        }        // apply default volume last: by convention , default device volume will be used        // by audio policy manager if no explicit volume is present for a given device type        if (mIsMuted) {            index = 0;        } else {            index = (getIndex(AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_DEFAULT) + 5)/10;        }        setStreamVolumeIndex(index, AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_DEFAULT);    }}
i. 因为这里处理的mute和unmute,所以针对的所有的设备,故会遍历mIndexMap中的所有device,依次为其调整音量;如果是mute,index就是0;unmute则为之前保存的音量加5除10,不清楚为何要加5?  除10好理解因为VolumeStreamState内的index整体都扩大10倍了,setStreamVolumeIndex向下底层设置音量时要缩小10倍ii. 不论怎么处理,最后都是调用setStreamVolumeIndex方法,走到这个方法后,后续的方法基本和AudioService不会有交集了,所以这里暂不往下分析,把AudioService分析完成。

最后,这里总结就是: mute就是音量等级index设置为0,unmute就是从mIndexMap中获取之前保存的音量等级index,并加5除10,最后调用setStreamVolumeIndex向下设置音量

  1. 第三个条件处理策略:
if (((device & mFullVolumeDevices) == 0)                    && (streamState.adjustIndex(direction * step, device, caller)|| streamState.mIsMuted)) 


public boolean adjustIndex(int deltaIndex, int device, String caller) {    //之前的音量加上这次变化的音量10/-10    return setIndex(getIndex(device) + deltaIndex, device, caller);}public int getIndex(int device) {    synchronized (VolumeStreamState.class) {        int index = mIndexMap.get(device, -1);        if (index == -1) {            // there is always an entry for AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_DEFAULT            index = mIndexMap.get(AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_DEFAULT);        }        return index;    }}//设在音量等级public boolean setIndex(int index, int device, String caller) {    boolean changed;    int oldIndex;    synchronized (mSettingsLock) {        synchronized (VolumeStreamState.class) {            oldIndex = getIndex(device);            index = getValidIndex(index);       //index必须在min和max等级范围中            if ((mStreamType == AudioSystem.STREAM_SYSTEM_ENFORCED) && mCameraSoundForced) {                index = mIndexMax;            }            //将新的音量等级index设置到map中            mIndexMap.put(device, index);            changed = oldIndex != index;  //音量等级是否有变化                        final boolean isCurrentDevice = (device == getDeviceForStream(mStreamType));            final int numStreamTypes = AudioSystem.getNumStreamTypes();            for (int streamType = numStreamTypes - 1; streamType >= 0; streamType--) {                final VolumeStreamState aliasStreamState = mStreamStates[streamType];                //跳过自己  寻找alias别名与自己相同 且也拥有此设备device的volumestate,并为其设置index                if (streamType != mStreamType &&                        mStreamVolumeAlias[streamType] == mStreamType &&                        (changed || !aliasStreamState.hasIndexForDevice(device))) {                    final int scaledIndex = rescaleIndex(index, mStreamType, streamType);                        //mStreamStates数组中,其他不同流类型streamType,但是映射到alias里面流相同的设置相同的device一下,                    aliasStreamState.setIndex(scaledIndex, device, caller);                    if (isCurrentDevice) {                        aliasStreamState.setIndex(scaledIndex,    getDeviceForStream(streamType), caller);                    }                }            }            // Mirror changes in SPEAKER ringtone volume on SCO when            if (changed && mStreamType == AudioSystem.STREAM_RING                    && device == AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER) {                for (int i = 0; i < mIndexMap.size(); i++) {                    int otherDevice = mIndexMap.keyAt(i);                        //为什么要把sco相关的device音量也修改了呢?                    if ((otherDevice & AudioSystem.DEVICE_OUT_ALL_SCO) != 0) {                        mIndexMap.put(otherDevice, index);                    }                }            }        }    }    return change;}







1)输出设备device; 2)音量等级index;



status_t AudioPolicyManager::setStreamVolumeIndex(audio_stream_type_t stream,                      int index,                      audio_devices_t device){    auto attributes = mEngine->getAttributesForStreamType(stream);    ALOGV("%s: stream %s attributes=%s", __func__,          toString(stream).c_str(), toString(attributes).c_str());    return setVolumeIndexForAttributes(attributes, index, device);}




using RoutingActivities = std::map<product_strategy_t, RoutingActivity>;using VolumeActivities = std::map<VolumeSource, VolumeActivity>;class AudioOutputDescriptor: public AudioPortConfig, public AudioIODescriptorInterface        //ClientMapHandler是std::map>类型,通过addClient往里面添加,那这个client就        //代表客户端应用层的AudioTrack    , public ClientMapHandler<TrackClientDescriptor>{    RoutingActivities mRoutingActivities;     //std::map类型,mVolumeActivities[1]会自动构建一个class对象,无需add或insert    VolumeActivities mVolumeActivities;     // The ActiveClients shows the clients that contribute to the @VolumeSource counts    // and may include upstream clients from a duplicating thread.    // Compare with the ClientMap (mClients) which are external AudioTrack clients of the    // output descriptor (and do not count internal PatchTracks).    TrackClientVector MactiveClients;}

mVolumeActivities: 是保存与客户端音量方面的对象,音量加减时会用到
mRoutingActivities: 保存与客户端路由方面的对象


void AudioOutputDescriptor::setClientActive(const sp<TrackClientDescriptor>& client, bool active){    //查找成功则返回一个指向指定元素的迭代器,查找失败则返回end迭代器    auto clientIter = std::find(begin(mActiveClients), end(mActiveClients), client);        //首先判断是否存在,不存在情况括号内部是false,如果参数active是true,说明是第一次进来,反之参数是false,则没必要继续往下        //同理,后半部分为true,就是存在情况下,同理    if (active == (clientIter != end(mActiveClients))) {        ALOGW("%s(%s): ignored active: %d, current stream count %d", __func__,              client->toShortString().c_str(), active,              mRoutingActivities.at(client->strategy()).getActivityCount());        return;    }    if (active) {        //尾巴添加        mActiveClients.push_back(client);    } else {        //删除        mActiveClients.erase(clientIter);    }    const int delta = active ? 1 : -1;    //  []这种方式相当于直接创建一个内部元素 delta是存活次数    mRoutingActivities[client->strategy()].changeActivityCount(delta);    mVolumeActivities[client->volumeSource()].changeActivityCount(delta);    // Handle non-client-specific activity ref count    int32_t oldGlobalActiveCount = mGlobalActiveCount;    if (!active && mGlobalActiveCount < 1) {        ALOGW("%s(%s): invalid deactivation with globalRefCount %d",              __func__, client->toShortString().c_str(), mGlobalActiveCount);        mGlobalActiveCount = 1;    }    mGlobalActiveCount += delta;    ......    client->setActive(active);}


  1. 设置客户端根据其active状态来添加,首先检查client是否存在,不存在且active是true就添加进来
  2. 存活active就加入到mActiveClients,反之则移除
  3. 创建mRoutingActivities和mVolumeActivities对应词客户端的元素,并赋予其存活次数


status_t AudioPolicyManager::setVolumeIndexForAttributes(const audio_attributes_t &attributes, int index, audio_devices_t device){    // 从attributes中获取其连接的volumeGroup    auto group = mEngine->getVolumeGroupForAttributes(attributes);    if (group == VOLUME_GROUP_NONE) {        ALOGD("%s: no group matching with %s", __FUNCTION__, toString(attributes).c_str());        return BAD_VALUE;    }    status_t status = NO_ERROR;    //从attribute获取与之对应的volumeGroup,在从volumeGroup中获取到VolumeCurves    IVolumeCurves &curves = getVolumeCurves(attributes);    //static强转,子类向基类转换安全,但反之没有运行时检查,不安全    VolumeSource vs = toVolumeSource(group);    product_strategy_t strategy = mEngine->getProductStrategyForAttributes(attributes);    //将当前的音量等级设置到volumeCurves的mIndexCur成员中去    status = setVolumeCurveIndex(index, device, curves);    if (status != NO_ERROR) {        ALOGE("%s failed to set curve index for group %d device 0x%X", __func__, group, device);        return status;    }    audio_devices_t curSrcDevice;    auto curCurvAttrs = curves.getAttributes();    //取attrs的首节点,并且根据attribute获取当前系统最新的一个输出设备curSrcDevice    if (!curCurvAttrs.empty() && curCurvAttrs.front() != defaultAttr) {        auto attr = curCurvAttrs.front();        //获取attr适合的device        curSrcDevice = mEngine->getOutputDevicesForAttributes(attr, nullptr, false).types();    } else if (!curves.getStreamTypes().empty()) {        auto stream = curves.getStreamTypes().front();        curSrcDevice = mEngine->getOutputDevicesForStream(stream, false).types();    } else {        ALOGE("%s: Invalid src %d: no valid attributes nor stream",__func__, vs);        return BAD_VALUE;    }    //多个设备的情况下,选择一个    curSrcDevice = Volume::getDeviceForVolume(curSrcDevice);    //遍历每一个输出通道    for (size_t i = 0; i < mOutputs.size(); i++) {        sp<SwAudioOutputDescriptor> desc = mOutputs.valueAt(i);        //打开的设备        audio_devices_t curDevice = desc->devices().types();        if (curDevice & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER_SAFE) {            curDevice |= AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER;            curDevice &= ~AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER_SAFE;        }                bool applyVolume = false;        //此设备能进行gain增益控制,检查desc的openDevice的device,查看device的配置标签gain对应的AudioGains是否支持音量调节        if (desc->useHwGain()) {            //必须有对应的volumegroup客户端client存活            if (!(desc->isActive(toVolumeSource(group)) || isInCall())) {                continue;            }            for (const auto &productStrategy : mEngine->getOrderedProductStrategies()) {                auto activeClients = desc->clientsList(true , productStrategy,                           false );                //无存活客户端,不做音量调整                if (activeClients.empty()) {                    continue;                }                bool isPreempted = false;                bool isHigherPriority = productStrategy < strategy;                for (const auto &client : activeClients) {                    if (isHigherPriority && (client->volumeSource() != vs)) {                        applyVolume = false;                        isPreempted = true;                        break;                    }                    // However, continue for loop to ensure no higher prio clients running on output                    //client有一个符合音量曲线的设备                    if (client->volumeSource() == vs) {                        applyVolume = true;                    }                }                if (isPreempted || applyVolume) {                    break;                }            }            if (!applyVolume) {                continue; // next output            }            //最终会把index由音量等级转化为分贝db,把分贝值设置到AudioutputDescriptor的VolumeActivities成员变量中去            status_t volStatus = checkAndSetVolume(curves, vs, index, desc, curDevice,                       (vs == toVolumeSource(AUDIO_STREAM_SYSTEM)?TOUCH_SOUND_FIXED_DELAY_MS : 0));            if (volStatus != NO_ERROR) {                status = volStatus;            }            continue;        }        ......        if (device != AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_DEFAULT_FOR_VOLUME) {            curSrcDevice |= device;  //合并当前设备与上层传入设备                //getDeviceForVolume是选择一个设备,与后者取交集,有交集说明和调节音量设备有关系            applyVolume = (Volume::getDeviceForVolume(curDevice) & curSrcDevice) != 0;        } else {                //检查curves内mIndexCur是否包含curSrcDevice            applyVolume = !curves.hasVolumeIndexForDevice(curSrcDevice);        }        if (applyVolume) {            //FIXME: workaround for truncated touch sounds            // delayed volume change for system stream to be removed when the problem is            // handled by system UI            status_t volStatus = checkAndSetVolume(                        curves, vs, index, desc, curDevice,                        ((vs == toVolumeSource(AUDIO_STREAM_SYSTEM))? TOUCH_SOUND_FIXED_DELAY_MS : 0));            if (volStatus != NO_ERROR) {                status = volStatus;            }        }    }   //group是attribute绑定的group,也就是streamType对应的attribute    mpClientInterface->onAudioVolumeGroupChanged(group, 0 );    return status;}


  1. 以attribute属性找到volumegroup、VolumeCurves和productStrategy,然后将device的音量等级设置到VolumeCurves的内部成员mIndexCur中去,原始的音量数据
  2. 以attribute按照系统当前的音频策略,找到当前的输出设备curDevice,再遍历所有输出通道mOutputs,看是哪个通道设备AudioOutputDescriptor在使用这个设备curDevice
  3. 简称AudioOutputDescriptor保存的打开设备为Curdevice,如果这个Curdevice使用hwGain(硬件音量设置),也就是device-port标签配置了gain,name就去查找这个AudioOutputDescriptor的client是否有与之匹配的volumeGroup,与我们的attribute的volumeGroup相等,相等就说这个通道需要设置音量,调用checkAndSetVolume进行设置
  4. 如果Curdevice没有使用hwGain,那就需要看看这个Curdevice和我们传入的设备device有没有交集,有交集说明也需要对此通道进行音量调整;没有交集则查看音量曲线volumeCurves内有没有已经设置过curSrcDevice的音量,没有就需要设置音量,充满疑问的是为啥没有就要设置,应该是有才会去设置,而且代码写在这个地方和外层的for循环遍历mOutputs一点关系也没有


status_t AudioPolicyManager::checkAndSetVolume(IVolumeCurves &curves,                   VolumeSource volumeSource,                   int index,                   const sp<AudioOutputDescriptor>& outputDesc,                   audio_devices_t device,                   int delayMs,                   bool force){    // 查看其内的VolumeActivities的muteCount是否大于0,大于0不能进行音量调节    if (outputDesc->isMuted(volumeSource)) {        ALOGVV("%s: volume source %d muted count %d active=%d", __func__, volumeSource,               outputDesc->getMuteCount(volumeSource), outputDesc->isActive(volumeSource));        return NO_ERROR;    }    ........    if (device == AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) {        //devices返回的是open时传入的设备        device = outputDesc->devices().types();    }    //计算音量值dB,device转化为device_category,根据它在找到curve,传入index获取其分贝值    float volumeDb = computeVolume(curves, volumeSource, index, device);    if (outputDesc->isFixedVolume(device) ||            // Force VoIP volume to max for bluetooth SCO            ((isVoiceVolSrc || isBtScoVolSrc) && (device & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_SCO) != 0)) {        volumeDb = 0.0f;    }    //设置到其内部成员volumeActivities里面去    outputDesc->setVolume(volumeDb, volumeSource, curves.getStreamTypes(), device, delayMs, force);        if (isVoiceVolSrc || isBtScoVolSrc) {        float voiceVolume;        // Force voice volume to max or mute for Bluetooth SCO as other attenuations are managed by the headset        if (isVoiceVolSrc) {            voiceVolume = (float)index/(float)curves.getVolumeIndexMax();        } else {            voiceVolume = index == 0 ? 0.0 : 1.0;        }        if (voiceVolume != mLastVoiceVolume) {            mpClientInterface->setVoiceVolume(voiceVolume, delayMs);            mLastVoiceVolume = voiceVolume;        }    }    return NO_ERROR;}


  1. 将音量等级index转换为分贝db,computeVolume函数
  2. 将分贝值写入到输出设备outputDesc中去,如果是通话音量的话voice话,则调用setVoiceVolume直通hal层去调整音量

1. index转dB过程依次调用
AudioPolicyManager::computeVolume -->> VolumeCurves::volIndexToDb(device_category deviceCat, int indexInUi) -->> VolumeCurve::VolIndexToDb(int indexInUi, int volIndexMin, int volIndexMax)

//indexUi是上层传递下来的音量等级,max和min是可调整的最大最小值float VolumeCurve::volIndexToDb(int indexInUi, int volIndexMin, int volIndexMax) const{    ALOG_ASSERT(!mCurvePoints.isEmpty(), "Invalid volume curve");    if (volIndexMin < 0 || volIndexMax < 0) {        // In order to let AudioService initialize the min and max, convention is to use -1        return NAN;    }    if (indexInUi < volIndexMin) {        // an index of 0 means mute request when volIndexMin > 0        if (indexInUi == 0) {            ALOGV("VOLUME forcing mute for index 0 with min index %d", volIndexMin);            return VOLUME_MIN_DB;        }        ALOGV("VOLUME remapping index from %d to min index %d", indexInUi, volIndexMin);        indexInUi = volIndexMin;    } else if (indexInUi > volIndexMax) {        ALOGV("VOLUME remapping index from %d to max index %d", indexInUi, volIndexMax);        indexInUi = volIndexMax;    }    size_t nbCurvePoints = mCurvePoints.size();    // the volume index in the UI is relative to the min and max volume indices for this stream    //nbSteps总的音量等级范围总共值 1~nbSteps,加一就是最小值从1开始,防止为0时是mute,特别注意,这个去就是index,不要理解成健值对的value了    int nbSteps = 1 + mCurvePoints[nbCurvePoints - 1].mIndex - mCurvePoints[0].mIndex;    //nbSteps是总的音量等级,后者是当前设置音量index占可调整范围(min,max)占比多少,乘以后就是映射到总的音量等级的映射值    int volIdx = (nbSteps * (indexInUi - volIndexMin)) / (volIndexMax - volIndexMin);    // Where would this volume index been inserted in the curve point   //只比教,不插入,从而知道对应的分贝值    size_t indexInUiPosition = mCurvePoints.orderOf(CurvePoint(volIdx, 0));    if (indexInUiPosition >= nbCurvePoints) {        //use last point of table        return mCurvePoints[nbCurvePoints - 1].mAttenuationInMb / 100.0f;    }    if (indexInUiPosition == 0) {        if (indexInUiPosition != mCurvePoints[0].mIndex) {            return VOLUME_MIN_DB; // out of bounds        }        return mCurvePoints[0].mAttenuationInMb / 100.0f;    }    // linear interpolation in the attenuation table in dB    //这个求值原理就是,取插入前一个位置的分贝值作为基础,加上后部分的比例值,比例值采用插入前和后这两个位置的间距比,计算出对应的分贝值    //思考:因为分贝是非线性的,这里采用比例换算出分贝合理吗?    //我觉得应该合理,首先基础值是插入前一个位置的分贝,这个值是xml文件配置的,它是非线性的合理值,占据大部分;关键在于后部分的比例换算值是否合理,我觉得合理因为也占据小部分值,人耳听不出    float decibels = (mCurvePoints[indexInUiPosition - 1].mAttenuationInMb / 100.0f) +            ((float)(volIdx - mCurvePoints[indexInUiPosition - 1].mIndex)) *                ( ((mCurvePoints[indexInUiPosition].mAttenuationInMb / 100.0f) -                        (mCurvePoints[indexInUiPosition - 1].mAttenuationInMb / 100.0f)) /                    ((float)(mCurvePoints[indexInUiPosition].mIndex -mCurvePoints[indexInUiPosition - 1].mIndex)) );    ALOGV("VOLUME vol index=[%d %d %d], dB=[%.1f %.1f %.1f]",            mCurvePoints[indexInUiPosition - 1].mIndex, volIdx,            mCurvePoints[indexInUiPosition].mIndex,            ((float)mCurvePoints[indexInUiPosition - 1].mAttenuationInMb / 100.0f), decibels,            ((float)mCurvePoints[indexInUiPosition].mAttenuationInMb / 100.0f));        if(indexInUi >=0 && indexInUi<32 && (volIndexMax==31))                decibels=VOLUME_DB[indexInUi];    //分贝值    return decibels;}


<volume stream="AUDIO_STREAM_DTMF" deviceCategory="DEVICE_CATEGORY_HEADSET">    <point>1,-3000point>    <point>33,-2600point>    <point>66,-2200point>    <point>100,-1800point>volume>

mCurvePoints[x].mIndex就是第一列数据1、33、66、100,mAttenuationInMb就是分贝值-3000、-2600等,上述代码实质转换index后进行查表,因为上面传入的index范围是0 ~ 31,而mCurvePoints[x].mIndex在1 ~ 100的范围,所以要先使用等比例换将0 ~ 31范围的值换算到1~100的范围,然后使用插值法确定volIdx应该插入到mCurvePoints的哪个位置,
2) 值落0~最大值范围内,就取前一个index位置的mAttenuationInMb,加上前后两个位置的分贝值差值,乘以这个index在前后index占的百分比,计算如下:
MB=pre.mb+ i n s e r t . i n d e x − p r e . i n d e x a f t . i n d e x − p r e . i n d e x ∗(aft.mb−pre.mb) MB = pre.mb + \frac{insert.index - pre.index}{aft.index - pre.index} * (aft.mb - pre.mb) MB=pre.mb+aft.indexpre.indexinsert.indexpre.index(aft.mbpre.mb)



  1. 根据device、streamType找到attribute、strategy、volumeCurves音量曲线等
  2. 寻找哪些通道需要进行音量调整,主要是根据attribute、客户端client对应的volumeGroup是否一致,以及AudioOutputDescriptor的device和上层传入下来的device是否相同
  3. 找到AudioOutputDescriptor需要调整音量时,然后利用attribute找到的VolumeCurves、volumePoints等,利用查表和等比例方法查到其对应的分贝值



bool AudioOutputDescriptor::setVolume(float volumeDb,          VolumeSource volumeSource,          const StreamTypeVector &,          audio_devices_t ,          uint32_t delayMs,          bool force){    // We actually change the volume if:    // - the float value returned by computeVolume() changed 与之前的音量不同    // - the force flag is set 强制标记    if (volumeDb != getCurVolume(volumeSource) || force) {        ALOGV("%s for volumeSrc %d, volume %f, delay %d", __func__, volumeSource, volumeDb, delayMs);        //设置到VolumeActivities的db成员中,本类中会getCurVolume获取当前音量,并向AudioFlinger设置到回播线程中,根据streamType设置到对应的stream上去        setCurVolume(volumeSource, volumeDb);        return true;    }    return false;}bool SwAudioOutputDescriptor::setVolume(float volumeDb,            VolumeSource vs, const StreamTypeVector &streamTypes,            audio_devices_t device,            uint32_t delayMs,            bool force){    StreamTypeVector streams = streamTypes;    if (!AudioOutputDescriptor::setVolume(volumeDb, vs, streamTypes, device, delayMs, force)) {        return false;    }    if (streams.empty()) {        streams.push_back(AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC);    }    for (const auto& devicePort : devices()) {        // 设备相等,且支持gain硬件调整音量的去设置        if (device == devicePort->type() &&                devicePort->hasGainController(true) && isActive(vs)) {            ALOGV("%s: device %s has gain controller", __func__, devicePort->toString().c_str());            //将0dB转换为功率值            float volumeAmpl = Volume::DbToAmpl(0);            //为此类型的软件音量值设置0就是不发声,            for (const auto &stream : streams) {                mClientInterface->setStreamVolume(stream, volumeAmpl, mIoHandle, delayMs);            }            //硬件音量更新            AudioGains gains = devicePort->getGains();            int gainMinValueInMb = gains[0]->getMinValueInMb();            int gainMaxValueInMb = gains[0]->getMaxValueInMb();            int gainStepValueInMb = gains[0]->getStepValueInMb();            int gainValueMb = ((volumeDb * 100)/ gainStepValueInMb) * gainStepValueInMb;            gainValueMb = std::max(gainMinValueInMb, std::min(gainValueMb, gainMaxValueInMb));            audio_port_config config = {};            devicePort->toAudioPortConfig(&config);            config.config_mask = AUDIO_PORT_CONFIG_GAIN;            config.gain.values[0] = gainValueMb;            //硬件音量设置            return mClientInterface->setAudioPortConfig(&config, 0) == NO_ERROR;        }    }    //上述走过硬件音量后,下面的都是软件音量,获取当前音量并转换为功率值ampl    float volumeAmpl = Volume::DbToAmpl(getCurVolume(vs));    if (hasStream(streams, AUDIO_STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO)) {        mClientInterface->setStreamVolume(AUDIO_STREAM_VOICE_CALL, volumeAmpl, mIoHandle, delayMs);    }    //设置功率值    for (const auto &stream : streams) {        ALOGV("%s output %d for volumeSource %d, volume %f, delay %d stream=%s", __func__,              mIoHandle, vs, volumeDb, delayMs, toString(stream).c_str());        mClientInterface->setStreamVolume(stream, volumeAmpl, mIoHandle, delayMs);    }    return true;}
  1. 首先将音量值分贝Db设置到volumeActivities成员中,然后遍历当前打开的device
  2. 如果这个device支持gain硬件方式设置音量,就使用硬件音量调整setAudioPortConfig,此方法会调用到hal的set_audio_port_config指针函数;否则就是软件音量调整设置setStreamVolume
  3. 在进行第2步时,需要先把Db分贝转换为功率值ampl,转换方法如下:


static inline float DbToAmpl(float decibels){    //VOLUME_MIN_DB = -758估计在小的话人耳就听不见了    if (decibels <= VOLUME_MIN_DB) {        return 0.0f;    }    //exp是以e为底的指数函数,常数 e 的值约为 2.718282;是由分贝算式推导过来的db = 20* ln(P1/P0);P0是基本功率    return exp( decibels * 0.115129f); // exp( dB * ln(10) / 20 )}

一般来说分贝公式为 20 log ⁡ P 1 P 0 20\log\frac{P_1}{P_0} 20logP0P1,其中 P1 P_1 P1是待测功率, P0 P_0 P0是基础功率,因为分贝是满足对数特性,这里就用对数比值来确定分贝,这里我们的aosp代码把 log ⁡ \log log替换为对数 ln ⁡ \ln ln函数,基础功率 P0 P_0 P0取值为10,在移植分贝 d e c i b e l s decibels decibels的情况下,求取 P1 P_1 P1就好理解了,简化 d e c i b e l s decibels decibels d b db db,则推导公式:
db=20∗ln⁡ P 1 P 0 =20ln⁡ P 1 10 db = 20* \ln\frac{P_1}{P_0} = 20\ln\frac{P_1}{10} db=20lnP0P1=20ln10P1
d b 20 =ln⁡ P 1 10 \frac{db}{20} = \ln\frac{P_1}{10} 20db=ln10P1
ed b 20 = P 1 10 e^{\frac{db}{20}} = \frac{P_1}{10} e20db=10P1
P 1 =10∗ ed b 20 = e ln ⁡ 10 ∗ ed b 20 = eln ⁡ 10 + d b 20 P_1 = 10*e^{\frac{db}{20}} = e^{\ln10} * e^{\frac{db}{20}} = e^{{\ln10} + {\frac{db}{20}}} P1=10e20db=eln10e20db=eln10+20db

所以我认为上面aosp的转换代码是错误的,为什么它会写成 ln ⁡ 10 20 \frac{\ln{10}}{20} 20ln10实在想不通!!!






status_t AudioFlinger::setStreamVolume(audio_stream_type_t stream, float value,        audio_io_handle_t output){    // check calling permissions    if (!settingsAllowed()) {        return PERMISSION_DENIED;    }        status_t status = checkStreamType(stream);    if (status != NO_ERROR) {        return status;    }        if (output == AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE) {        return BAD_VALUE;    }        LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(stream == AUDIO_STREAM_PATCH && value != 1.0f,                        "AUDIO_STREAM_PATCH must have full scale volume");    AutoMutex lock(mLock);    //从mPlaybackThreads集合中拿到一个回播线程实例    VolumeInterface *volumeInterface = getVolumeInterface_l(output);    if (volumeInterface == NULL) {        return BAD_VALUE;    }        //设置音量对应功率值到playbackthread中的stream对应的音量值去    volumeInterface->setStreamVolume(stream, value);    return NO_ERROR;}




void AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::setStreamVolume(audio_stream_type_t stream, float value){    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);    mStreamTypes[stream].volume = value;    broadcast_l();}




本文标题: Android Audio音量设置原理流程分析

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